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Package Summary

This package provides ros nodes for single sensors from Terabee

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Krzysztof Żurad <krzysztof.zurad AT terabee DOT com>, Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian <pierre-louis.kabaradjian AT terabee DOT com>, Baptiste Potier <baptiste.potier AT terabee DOT com>
  • Author: Kabaradjian Pierre-Louis <pierre-louis.kabaradjian AT terabee DOT com>, Baptiste Potier <baptiste.potier AT terabee DOT com>
  • License: MIT

Package Summary

This package provides ros nodes for single sensors from Terabee

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Krzysztof Żurad <krzysztof.zurad AT terabee DOT com>, Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian <pierre-louis.kabaradjian AT terabee DOT com>, Baptiste Potier <baptiste.potier AT terabee DOT com>
  • Author: Kabaradjian Pierre-Louis <pierre-louis.kabaradjian AT terabee DOT com>, Baptiste Potier <baptiste.potier AT terabee DOT com>
  • License: MIT

Github: *

Supported Hardware

This package works with TeraRanger Evo Mini, TeraRanger Evo 60m, TeraRanger Evo 600Hz, TeraRanger Evo 3m , TeraRanger Evo Thermal 33/90, TeraRanger Evo 64px, TeraRanger One and TeraRanger Duo. You can find more information below.

TeraRanger Evo 60m is the long range Time-of-Flight distance sensor of the TeraRanger product family. It provides calibrated distance readings in millimetres and has a range up to 60m, whilst remaining lightweight and small! Instead of laser, TeraRanger Evo uses LED technology. React faster and detect obstacles with greater assurance, TeraRanger Evo 600Hz is perfect for high-speed collision avoidance and object detection solution! With its 10cm to 3m range, 100Hz fixed update rate and greater accuracy(+/-2cm), the TeraRanger Evo 3m, is optimized for close-range distance measurement.

  • TeraRanger_Evo.jpg

For more information about TeraRanger Evo 60m/Evo 600Hz/Evo 3m:





TeraRanger Evo Mini

  • TeraRanger_EvoMini.jpg

For more information about TeraRanger Evo Mini:


TeraRanger Evo Thermal 33/90 Monitor heat variations, detect movement and capture the unseen! In a compact and affordable design, ideal for OEM integration in Smart City, Smart building, Robotics and Industrial applications. For more information about TeraRanger Evo Thermal 33/90:

  • TeraRanger_Evo_Thermal_33_90.jpg




TeraRanger Evo 64px is a lightweight, high-performance multi-pixel sensor based on infrared Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology. For more information about TeraRanger Evo 64px:

  • TeraRanger_Evo_64px.jpg



TeraRanger One is a lightweight, high-performance distance measurement sensor based on infrared Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology.

  • Teraranger_one.jpg

For more information about TeraRanger One:



TeraRanger Duo is a powerful surface detection solution for any environment! Combining our advanced infrared Time-of-Flight (ToF) technology with classic ultrasound technology, you’ll never again have issues detecting the proximity of difficult surfaces.


For more information about TeraRanger Duo:



API Stability

The ROS API of this driver should be considered stable.



This node is the official driver for TeraRanger Evo 60m, TeraRanger Evo 600Hz and TeraRanger Evo 3m.

Published Topics

/teraranger_evo (sensor_msgs/Range)
  • Provides range reading


_portname (str, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")
  • The device path to open.
_sensor_type (str, default: "Evo_60m")
  • The type of sensor to define "Evo_60m", "Evo_600Hz" or "Evo_3m".


This node is the official driver for TeraRanger Evo Mini

Published Topics

/teraranger_evo_mini/range (sensor_msgs/Range)
  • Provides distance data when sensor in single-pixel mode
/teraranger_evo_mini/ranges (teraranger_array/RangeArray)
  • Provides distance data when sensor in multi-pixel mode


Static Parameters
_portname (str, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")
  • The device path to open.
Dynamic Parameters
Pixel_mode (int, default: 0)
  • Set the pixel mode: 0 = Single, 1 = Two, 2 = Two by Two
Range_mode (int, default: 0)
  • Set the ranging mode: 0 = Long , 1 = Short


This node is the official driver for TeraRanger Evo Thermal 33/90

Published Topics

/teraranger_evo_thermal/raw_temp_array (std_msgs/Float64MultiArray)
  • Provides an array of thermal value
/teraranger_evo_thermal/rgb_image (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • Provide a color mapped image of sensor output
/teraranger_evo_thermal/ptat (std_msgs/Float64)
  • Provide the internal temperature of the sensor


Static Parameters
_portname (str, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")
  • The device path to open.
_baudrate (int, default: "115200")
  • Baudrate of serial connection, 1500000 if using UART backboard
Dynamic Parameters
thermal_image_flip_h (bool, default: False)
  • Flip Thermal Image horizontally
thermal_image_flip_v (bool, default: False)
  • Flip Thermal Image vertically
thermal_image_interpolate (bool, default: False)
  • Interpolate Thermal Image
manual_min_scaling (double_t, default: 0.0)
  • Lower scaling bound
manual_max_scaling (double_t, default: 0.0)
  • Upper scaling bound
Map (int_t, default: 3)
  • Set the sensor map mode


This node is the official driver for TeraRanger Evo 64px

Published Topics

/teraranger_evo_64px/point_cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
  • Provides a point_cloud of sensor readings
/teraranger_evo_64px/depth_image (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • Provide a colormapped image of sensor output


Static Parameters
_portname (str, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")
  • The device path to open.
_baudrate (int, default: "115200")
  • Baudrate of serial connection, 3000000 if using UART backboard
Dynamic Parameters
depth_image_invert (bool, default: false)
  • Invert depth Image
depth_image_interpolate (bool, default: false)
  • Interpolate depth Image
min_distance_mm (int, default: 100)
  • Min distance allowed
max_distance_mm (int, default: 5000)
  • Max distance allowed
Mode (int, default: 0)
  • Set the sensor mode: 0 = Close Range (Allows ranging from 10cm to 5m), 1 = Fast (Allows ranging from 1m to 5m with faster update rate)


This node is the official driver for TeraRanger One

Published Topics

/teraranger_one (sensor_msgs/Range)
  • Provides range reading


_portname (str, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")
  • The device path to open.


This node is the official driver for TeraRanger Duo

Published Topics

/teraranger_duo (sensor_msgs/Range)
  • Provides range reading


_portname (str, default: "/dev/ttyACM0")
  • The device path to open.


To launch a node simply run:

rosrun teraranger name_of_the_sensor

Wiki: teraranger (last edited 2019-11-20 08:50:21 by PierreLouisKabaradjian)