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Package Summary
This package provides ros nodes for multi-sensor arrays from Terabee
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian <pierre-louis.kabaradjian AT terabee DOT com>, Krzysztof Zurad <krzysztof.zurad AT terabee DOT com>, Baptiste Potier <baptiste.potier AT terabee DOT com>
- Author: Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian <pierre-louis.kabaradjian AT terabee DOT com>, Krzysztof Zurad <krzysztof.zurad AT terabee DOT com>, Mateusz Sadowski <mateusz.sadowski AT terabee DOT com>, Baptiste Potier <baptiste.potier AT terabee DOT com>
- License: MIT
Package Summary
This package provides ros nodes for multi-sensor arrays from Terabee
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian <pierre-louis.kabaradjian AT terabee DOT com>, Krzysztof Zurad <krzysztof.zurad AT terabee DOT com>, Baptiste Potier <baptiste.potier AT terabee DOT com>
- Author: Pierre-Louis Kabaradjian <pierre-louis.kabaradjian AT terabee DOT com>, Krzysztof Zurad <krzysztof.zurad AT terabee DOT com>, Mateusz Sadowski <mateusz.sadowski AT terabee DOT com>, Baptiste Potier <baptiste.potier AT terabee DOT com>
- License: MIT
Supported Hardware
This package work with Teraranger Hub/Tower Evo, Teraranger Tower/Hub and Teraranger Multiflex. Please find more informatiom below :
API Stability
The ROS API of this driver should be considered stable.
This node is the official driver of Teranger Hub/Tower Evo. It also provides dynamic reconfiguration parameters for the measurement mode and the sensor type.
Published Topics
/ranges (teraranger_array/RangeArray)- Provides multiples ranges in an array
- Provides imu orientations based in euler frame
- Provides imu orientations based in quaternions frame
Static Parameters
- The device path to open.
- Baudrate for using the Hub Evo, 921600 if using Daughterboard
Dynamic Parameters
- Set the rate of update: 0 = ASAP, 1 = 50Hz, 2 = 100Hz, 3 = 250Hz, 4 = 500Hz, 5 = 600Hz
- Set the sensor firing mode: 0 = Crosstalk, 1 = Anti_crosstalk, 2 = Tower_mode
- Set the IMU mode: 0 = OFF, 1 = QUAT, 2 = EULER, 3 = QUATLIN
- Change the type of sensor: 0 = Evo_600Hz, 1 = Evo_60m, 2 = Evo_3m, 3 = Evo_mini
This node is the official driver of Teranger Tower and Teraranger Hub. It also provides dynamic reconfiguration parameters for the measurement mode.
Published Topics
/ranges (teraranger_array/RangeArray)- Provides multiples ranges in an array
Static Parameters
- The device path to open.
Dynamic Parameters
- Change the mode of sensor: 0 = Precise, 1 = Fast, 2 = Outdoor
This node is the official driver of Teranger Multiflex. It also provides dynamic reconfiguration for disabling sensors on-the-fly.
Published Topics
/ranges (teraranger_array/RangeArray)- Provides multiples ranges in an array
Static Parameters
- The device path to open.
Dynamic Parameters
- Deactivate sensor number X
To launch a node simply run:
rosrun teraranger_array <teraranger_one|teraranger_multiflex> [_portname:=<device_path>]