Show EOL distros:
turtlebot3: turtlebot3_bringup | turtlebot3_description | turtlebot3_example | turtlebot3_navigation | turtlebot3_slam | turtlebot3_teleop
Package Summary
roslaunch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Will Son <willson AT robotis DOT com>
- Author: Pyo <pyo AT robotis DOT com>, Darby Lim <thlim AT robotis DOT com>, Gilbert <kkjong AT robotis DOT com>
- License: Apache 2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
turtlebot3: turtlebot3_bringup | turtlebot3_description | turtlebot3_example | turtlebot3_navigation | turtlebot3_slam | turtlebot3_teleop
Package Summary
roslaunch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Will Son <willson AT robotis DOT com>
- Author: Pyo <pyo AT robotis DOT com>, Darby Lim <thlim AT robotis DOT com>, Gilbert <kkjong AT robotis DOT com>
- License: Apache 2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: melodic-devel)
turtlebot3: turtlebot3_bringup | turtlebot3_description | turtlebot3_example | turtlebot3_navigation | turtlebot3_slam | turtlebot3_teleop
Package Summary
roslaunch scripts for starting the TurtleBot3
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Will Son <willson AT robotis DOT com>
- Author: Pyo <pyo AT robotis DOT com>, Darby Lim <thlim AT robotis DOT com>, Gilbert <kkjong AT robotis DOT com>, Ashe Kim <ashekim AT robotis DOT com>
- License: Apache 2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: noetic-devel)
ROS Software Maintainer: ROBOTIS
ROBOTIS e-Manual
Subscribed Topics
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)- Control the translational and rotational speed of the robot unit in m/s, rad/s
- Dynamixel Torque On/Of
- Reset Odometry and IMU Data. If you want to publish reset topic, type rostopic pub /reset std_msgs/Empty "{}"
- Output Beep Sound
Published Topics
battery_state (sensor_msgs/BatteryState)- Contains battery voltage and status
- Control the translational and rotational speed of the robot with RC100 controller, unit in m/s, rad/s
- Contains self diagnostic information
- Topic that includes the attitude of the robot based on the acceleration and gyro sensor
- The state of a set of torque controlled joints
- Measurement of the Magnetic Field vector at a specific location
- Contains the Turtlebot3’s odometry information based on the encoder and IMU
- Topic that contains the values of the sensors mounted on the Turtlebot3. You need a turtlebot3_msgs
- Contains the coordinate transformation such as base_footprint and odom
- Contains the Turtlebot3 hardware, firmware,and software information. You need a turtlebot3_msgs
~baud (int, default: 115200)- This is baud rate for serial communication
- Name of serial port
Subscribed Topics
imu (sensor_msgs/Imu)- Topic that includes the attitude of the robot based on the acceleration and gyro sensor
- Topic that confirms the scan values of the LiDAR mounted on the Turtlebot3
- Topic that contains the values of the sensors mounted on the Turtlebot3. You need a turtlebot3_msgs
- Contains the Turtlebot3 hardware, firmware,and software information. You need a turtlebot3_msgs
Published Topics
diagnostics (diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray)- Contains self diagnostic information
Published Topics
rpms (std_msgs/Uint16)- LDS rotation speed.
- Topic that confirms the scan values of the LiDAR mounted on the Turtlebot3
~frame_id (string, default: base_scan)- Set up coordinate of the LDS
- Name of serial port