0.1.14 (2011-09-23)

0.1.9 (2011-06-08)

  • removed lores camera node from android_teleop.launch, was causing trouble. Added android_make_a_map app and launch file.
  • switched from base_link to base_footprint frame in android_teleop.launch
  • fixed teleop.interface file to match latest minimal.launch to make ps3 joystick app work again.
  • added a tf change_notifier node to android_teleop.launch to narrow the TF firehose going to Android

0.1.8 (2011-05-09)

  • New apps

0.1.7 (2011-05-05)

  • Follower app

0.1.6 (2011-04-16)

  • Bug fixes for PS3 Teleop app

0.1.5 (2011-04-15)

  • PS3 Teleop app

0.1.4 (2011-04-05)

0.1.3 (2011-04-05)

Wiki: turtlebot_apps/ChangeList/0.1 (last edited 2011-10-13 21:30:43 by MeloneeWise)