
Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Moving in a Straight Line.
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Rotating Left/Right

Description: This tutorial is based on Turtlesim Video Tutorials

Tutorial Level: INTERMEDIATE

Next Tutorial: Moving to goal

You can find the complete package at: https://github.com/clebercoutof/turtlesim_cleaner

Now, we are going to rotate the turtle.

Preparing for work

Let's create our file rotate.py( or any name you want) and paste it in the source directory of our package, if you followed the past tutorial it will be: ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlesim_cleaner/src. Then , don't forget to make the node executable:

$ chmod u+x ~/catkin_ws/src/turtlesim_cleaner/src/rotate.py

Understanding the code

Similar as the past tutorial code, we will receive the speed, distance and a variable wich defines if the movement is clockwise or counter-clockwise. Since we can just publish a velocity to the topic /turtle1/cmd_vel, our logic will have to calculate the distance specified, but in this case it will be an angular velocity.

The Code

   1 #!/usr/bin/env python
   2 import rospy
   3 from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
   4 PI = 3.1415926535897
   6 def rotate():
   7     #Starts a new node
   8     rospy.init_node('robot_cleaner', anonymous=True)
   9     velocity_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
  10     vel_msg = Twist()
  12     # Receiveing the user's input
  13     print("Let's rotate your robot")
  14     speed = input("Input your speed (degrees/sec):")
  15     angle = input("Type your distance (degrees):")
  16     clockwise = input("Clockwise?: ") #True or false
  18     #Converting from angles to radians
  19     angular_speed = speed*2*PI/360
  20     relative_angle = angle*2*PI/360
  22     #We wont use linear components
  23     vel_msg.linear.x=0
  24     vel_msg.linear.y=0
  25     vel_msg.linear.z=0
  26     vel_msg.angular.x = 0
  27     vel_msg.angular.y = 0
  29     # Checking if our movement is CW or CCW
  30     if clockwise:
  31         vel_msg.angular.z = -abs(angular_speed)
  32     else:
  33         vel_msg.angular.z = abs(angular_speed)
  34     # Setting the current time for distance calculus
  35     t0 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
  36     current_angle = 0
  38     while(current_angle < relative_angle):
  39         velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)
  40         t1 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
  41         current_angle = angular_speed*(t1-t0)
  44     #Forcing our robot to stop
  45     vel_msg.angular.z = 0
  46     velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)
  47     rospy.spin()
  49 if __name__ == '__main__':
  50     try:
  51         # Testing our function
  52         rotate()
  53     except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
  54         pass

First we need to import the packages used on our script.The rospy library is the ros python library, it contains the basic functions, like creating a node, getting time and creating a publisher.The geometry_msgs contains the variable type Twist that will be used, and we define a constant PI that will be required:

   2 import rospy
   3 from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
   4 PI = 3.1415926535897

Now we declare our function, initiate our node, our publisher and create the Twist variable.

   6 def rotate():
   7     #Starts a new node
   8     rospy.init_node('robot_cleaner', anonymous=True)
   9     velocity_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/turtle1/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
  10     vel_msg = Twist()

The Twist is necessary because our topic '/turtle1/cmd_vel' uses the Twist message, you can check with the following command:

$ rostopic info /turtle1/cmd_vel

You should see the following screen:

  • rostopicinfocmdvel.png

The Twist message is composed by 3 linear components and 3 angular components,you can see the message description with the following command:

$ rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist

You should see the following screen:

  • rosmsgtwist.png

The unit used by ROS is radians, so we have to convert the input from degrees to radians. Note that this isn't necessary, but for didactic purposes it's better to use the input on degrees, in the following statements the code does the conversion:

  18     #Converting from angles to radians
  19     angular_speed = speed*2*PI/360
  20     relative_angle = angle*2*PI/360

Since we are just rotating the turtle, we don't need the linear components, and , depending on the user's input we decide if the movement will be clockwise or counter-clockwise:

  23     vel_msg.linear.x=0
  24     vel_msg.linear.y=0
  25     vel_msg.linear.z=0
  26     vel_msg.angular.x = 0
  27     vel_msg.angular.y = 0
  29     # Checking if our movement is CW or CCW
  30     if clockwise:
  31         vel_msg.angular.z = -abs(angular_speed)
  32     else:
  33         vel_msg.angular.z = abs(angular_speed)

Now , with the rospy.Time.now().to_sec(). we get the starting time t0, and the time t1 to calculate the angular distance:

  34     # Setting the current time for distance calculus
  35     t0 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
  36     current_angle = 0

And while the actual distance is less than the user's input, it will keep publishing:

  38     while(current_angle < relative_angle):
  39         velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)
  40         t1 = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()
  41         current_angle = angular_speed*(t1-t0)

After we get to the specified angle , we order our robot to stop:

  44     #Forcing our robot to stop
  45     vel_msg.angular.z = 0
  46     velocity_publisher.publish(vel_msg)

The following statement guarantees that if we press ctrl+c our code will stop:

  47     rospy.spin()

And then, we have our main loop which calls our function:

  49 if __name__ == '__main__':
  50     try:
  51         # Testing our function
  52         rotate()
  53     except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
  54         pass

Now, you can test and move your robot.

Testing the code

In a new terminal, run:

$ roscore 

In a new terminal, run:

$ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node 

The turtlesim window will open:

  • turtle_norotate.png

Now, in a new terminal, run our code:

$ rosrun turtlesim_cleaner rotate.py

Just type your inputs and the turtle will rotate! Here we have an example:

Let's rotate your robot
Input your speed (degrees/sec):30
Type your distance (degrees):75
Clowkise?: 0

The turtle will rotate like this:

  • turtle_spin.png

Now you can go to the next tutorial! Learn how to move your to a specified goal.

Wiki: turtlesim/Tutorials/Rotating Left and Right (last edited 2017-11-16 14:58:36 by JuliaBibik)