Show EOL distros: 

tuw_multi_robot: tuw_multi_robot_ctrl | tuw_multi_robot_demo | tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator | tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller | tuw_multi_robot_msgs | tuw_multi_robot_router | tuw_multi_robot_rviz | tuw_voronoi_graph

Package Summary

This package presents a node, which converts synchronized robot routes to path segments published sequentially to maintain synchronization

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Benjamin Binder <benjamin.binder AT DOT at>, Markus Bader <markus.bader AT DOT at>, Florian Beck <florian.beck AT DOT at>
  • Author: Benjamin Binder <benjamin.binder AT DOT at>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: kinetic)
tuw_multi_robot: tuw_multi_robot_ctrl | tuw_multi_robot_demo | tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator | tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller | tuw_multi_robot_msgs | tuw_multi_robot_router | tuw_multi_robot_rviz | tuw_voronoi_graph

Package Summary

This package presents a node, which converts synchronized robot routes to path segments published sequentially to maintain synchronization

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Benjamin Binder <benjamin.binder AT DOT at>, Markus Bader <markus.bader AT DOT at>, Florian Beck <florian.beck AT DOT at>
  • Author: Benjamin Binder <benjamin.binder AT DOT at>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: melodic)
tuw_multi_robot: tuw_multi_robot_ctrl | tuw_multi_robot_demo | tuw_multi_robot_goal_generator | tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller | tuw_multi_robot_router | tuw_multi_robot_rviz | tuw_voronoi_graph

Package Summary

This package presents a node, which converts synchronized robot routes to path segments published sequentially to maintain synchronization

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Benjamin Binder <benjamin.binder AT DOT at>, Markus Bader <markus.bader AT DOT at>, Florian Beck <florian.beck AT DOT at>
  • Author: Benjamin Binder <benjamin.binder AT DOT at>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: noetic)


This package contains a node, which receives the tuw_multi_robot_msgs/RouteSegment message for a robot and publishes a nav_msgs/Path up to the point a robot is allowed to move.

A tuw_multi_robot_msgs/RouteSegment contains a set of segments, where each of them has preconditions to tell when a robot is allowed to enter a certain segment. The tuw_multi_robot_route_to_path_node subscribes to these messages and checks how many of these preconditions are met and publishes a path from start to the last segment, for which the preconditions are met. This node subscribes to all robots as one node for performance reasons while testing with a large number of robots.

Subscribed Topics

[robot_name]/route (tuw_multi_robot_msgs/Route)

  • The segment path containing Preconditions

robot_info (tuw_multi_robot_msgs/RobotInfo)

  • Containes the pose of every robot used to determine the current segment on its path.

Published Topics

[robot_name]/path (nav_msgs/Path)

  • A unsynchronized path to the last free segment.

robot_info (tuw_multi_robot::RobotInfo)

  • Publishes information to all robots used by the behavior planner.


~robot_names (string[] default: "[robot_0]")

  • Sets the prefixes for all topics (e.g.: /robot_0/route)

~robot_names_str (string default: "")

  • A string which overrides the robot_names array to prevent a method of giving the param over console. All robot names have to be seperated by ",".

~robot_radius (float[] default: "[]")

  • Sets the radius for a specific robot (matched to the robot in the robot_names list)

~robot_default_radius (float default: "0.3")

  • Sets the default radius used if no robot_radius is set for the specific robot

~path_topic (string default: "path")

  • The topic used for publishing an unsynchronized nav_msgs/Path for every robot.

~route_topic (string default: "route")

  • Topic containing the synchronized Route for every robot.

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Wiki: tuw_multi_robot_local_behavior_controller (last edited 2018-07-03 06:56:02 by Markus Bader)