Only released in EOL distros:  

xbot: xbot_bringup | xbot_description | xbot_driver | xbot_face | xbot_msgs | xbot_navi | xbot_node | xbot_safety_controller | xbot_talker | xbot_tools

Package Summary

The xbot_talker package, for playing text to audio and chatting with user.

  • Maintainer status: maintained
  • Maintainer: Roc Wang <wangpeng AT DOT cn>, wangxiaoyun <wangxy199301 AT 163 DOT com>
  • Author: wangxiaoyun <wangxy199301 AT 163 DOT com>
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)


Xbot_talker is a voice interactive ROS package for XBot-U robots. The package has multiple functions such as offline command word recognition, offline TTS, and offline conversation.



The xbot_talker node takes in xbot_talker/play and xbot_talker/chat services. The service can be called via a ROS service. This node also provides /xbot/talk_state topic that can be used to Monitor operating status.

Published Topics

/xbot/talker_state (xbot_talker/talk_monitor)
  • Get the state data from this topic.
/welcome/leave (std_msgs/Bool)
  • Get the True or False data from this topic and control the robot to navigate.


/xbot/play (xbot_talker/play)
  • Call this service to play the audio file of the specified path or convert text to voice playback.
/xbot/chat (xbot_talker/chat)
  • Call this service to start voice conversation with the robot.


~base_path (string, default: "$(find xbot_talker)")
  • Home directory of voice interactive configuration files and audio files.Please use the default value.

Wiki: xbot_talker (last edited 2019-07-04 07:15:11 by wangxiaoyun)