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youbot_overhead_cameras: youbot_overhead_localization | youbot_overhead_vision

Package Summary

A package containing localization software for use with the Kuka youBot in a room with two overhead cameras.



path_planner implements an actionlib server to plan paths for the robot base. The paths are planned by constructing a costmap with costmap2d and using the A* algorithm in navfn. Once a path is planned, it will be followed until the goal is reached, or until a new goal is given.

Subscribed Topics

/base_localizer/pose_2d (youbot_overhead_localization/Pose2d)
  • The (x, y) position and heading of a robot base determined by the 'base_localizer' node
/map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
  • A costmap used for path planning created by the 'planner_map_server' node based on information from overhead cameras

Published Topics

/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • The linear and angular velocities of the robot base
/base_localizer/cost (actionlib_msgs/CostmapCost)
  • The cost of the current point that the robot occupies, determined from the path planning costmap


/path_planner/get_cost (youbot_overhead_localization/GetCost)
  • Returns the costmap cost at a specified point on the costmap


/path_planner/runFromSimulation (boolean)
  • Determines whether the robot is operating in a simulated or real environment


base_localizer localizes the robot base using odometry and the overhead camera information acquired from the 'youbot_overhead_vision' package.

Subscribed Topics

/image_calibration/position_from_camera (youbot_overhead_vision/PositionFromCamera)
  • The robot location and heading according to the overhead camera image
/odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • The robot base odometry

Published Topics

/base_localizer/pose_2d (youbot_overhead_localization/Pose2d)
  • The (x, y) position and heading of the robot base


planner_map_server is a modification of the map_server node written by Brian Gerkey from the ROS navigation stack to work with dynamic overhead maps.

Subscribed Topics

/image_calibration/image_cal (sensor_msgs/Image)
  • The black and white occupancy grid image created by the 'image_calibration' node in the 'youbot_overhead_vision' package

Published Topics

/map (nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid)
  • The costmap from the overhead camera image used for path planning
/map_metadata (nav_msgs/MapMetaData)
  • Contains the map metadata


/static_map (nav_msgs/GetMap)
  • This service returns a deep copy of the map


/planner_map_server/map_file_yaml ('string')
  • Location of the map metadata
/planner_map_server/map_save_debug_location ('string')
  • Location to save the map debug file


key_nav_safety bounds the speed of the robot when it is close to obstacles to ensure the robot does not get damaged.

Subscribed Topics

/base_localizer/cost (youbot_overhead_localization/CostmapCost)
  • The costmap cost at the robot base's current location
/base_localizer/pose_2d (youbot_overhead_localization/Pose2d)
  • The pose of the robot base including (x, y) position and heading
/key_nav_safety/vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • The requested linear and angular velocity for the robot base, pending safety checks

Published Topics

/cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Controls the robot's linear and angular velocity


/path_planner/moveCommandTopic (string)
  • Contains the name of the topic through which move commands should be sent to the robot to control it. If the param is not set, '/cmd_vel' is assumed.


path_planner_client Allows for the testing of path planning by creating an updateGoal service which can circumvent the need for creating an actionlib client


/update_goal (youbot_overhead_localization/SetGoal)
  • the goal for the robot to plan a path to comprising of an (x, y) coordinate and the name of the camera feed topic that the point is located on


The youbot_overhead_localization package should be launched at the same time as the 'youbot_overhead_vision' package with the use of the 'path_planner.launch' or the 'path_planner_sim.launch" launch files depending on whether the camera streams are real or simulated. However, the node can be run on its own by using one of the following commands:

   1 rosmake youbot_overhead_localization
   2 roslaunch youbot_overhead_localization youbot_overhead_localization.launch


   1 rosmake youbot_overhead_localization
   2 roslaunch youbot_overhead_localization youbot_overhead_localization_sim.launch

The path planning itself normally requires a node to create an actionlib client to set path goals, but this can be avoided for testing purposes by launching the 'path_planner_client' node with the following command:

   1 rosrun youbot_overhead_localization path_planner_client

This will create the /update_goal service, which can be called to set goals for the path planner.

Wiki: youbot_overhead_localization (last edited 2012-08-09 20:04:38 by FrederikClinckemaillie)