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Login to the robot

Description: This tutorial teaches you how to login to the robot.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Connecting to the internal robot network

To satisfy the ROS communication you need communication through all ports to the robot machines. You can either choose a VPN network or set up a route.

Using VPN


Using a route

You can setup a route to the internal network addresses. Please change the robot name and your network device to fit your settings. E.g.for connecting to

cob3-1 on eth0

sudo route add -net netmask gw cob3-1 dev eth0

or cob3-1 on wlan0

sudo route add -net netmask gw cob3-1 dev wlan0

You can check the settings with


Setup name resolution

To satisfy the ROS communication you need a full DNS name lockup for all machines. Therefore add the following addresses to your /etc/hosts. Please change the robot name to fit your settings cob3-1-pc1 cob3-1-pc2 cob3-1-pc3

You can check the settings with

ping cob3-1-pc1

Login remotely via SSH

To login on the robot machines via SSH we use port forwarding on the internal router.To log in to the pc's on cob3-1

pc1: ssh -X -p2201 cob3-1
pc2: ssh -X -p2202 cob3-1
pc3: ssh -X -p2203 cob3-1

Wiki: Robots/Care-O-bot/Real robot Tutorials/Login to the robot (last edited 2011-12-14 14:51:55 by NadiaHammoudeh)