Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Robots/REEM/Tutorials/Launching a REEM Gazebo simulation.
(!) Please ask about problems and questions regarding this tutorial on Don't forget to include in your question the link to this page, the versions of your OS & ROS, and also add appropriate tags.

Play pre-recorded motions on REEM

Description: This tutorial will show you how to play pre-recorded motions on the REEM robot.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Robots/REEM/Tutorials/moveit

In order to go through this tutorial, you should have a Gazebo simulation of REEM running as per the previous tutorial.

Playing a pre-recorded arms-t motion

We will use a tool called play_motion to play a arms-t motion. The motion simply consists of a single pose, and the joint trajectory controllers will interpolate a trajectory to reach this pose.

First, fire up an actionlib client:

rosrun actionlib /play_motion

Fill the action goal as per the following:

motion_name: 'arms_t'
skip_planning: False
priority: 0


After clicking the 'Send goal' button, you will see the robot open its arms on your Gazebo window.


To get back to the default position, play the home motion.

The motions are stored in a human-readable YAML file in reem_bringup/config/reem_motions.yaml and are loaded in the param server on startup, you can check which movements are available with:

rosparam list | grep play_motion

Which will get you something like:


You can also find an example on how to send a goal via python code in reem_snippets/

Wiki: Robots/REEM/Tutorials/play_motion (last edited 2014-04-22 14:06:29 by SamPfeiffer)