Setup for Local Computer


Necessary Hardware

  • RMP system compatible hardware
    • Must have been purchased from Stanley Innovation an origional Segway RMP will not work.
  • Computer with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    • Should be powered by 12VDC so it can be run from the platform
    • Minimum 8GB RAM (16 GB prefered)
    • Preferably a reasonably fast SSD
    • Preferably 2 Gigabit NICS
      • You don't need 2 but it is better to have one dedicated to ROS and one to hardware)
    • At least 4 USB 2.0 or higher ports
      • Only if using IMU, GPS and joystick
    • Atleast 1 USB 3.0 port
      • Only if using PGR Flea3 USB3 camera
  • Wireless router (preferably AC Dual-Band)
    • We provide the WRT-AC1900 with our integrated systems
  • Logitech F710 Joystick or equivalent
  • Components for Setup
    • Monitor
    • Keyboard (and mouse probably)
    • Internet Connection
    • Power supply for PC

Install ROS Indigo on Robot Computer

Perform these install steps on the computer responsible for robot control.

Some assumptions about your Ubuntu Install

These instructions make the following assumptions about your Ubuntu 14.04LTS install. These are not hard and fast rules, however, the instructions assume these things. When asked during the install you should select the following:

  • username : sibot

  • computer name : SIBOT1

  • password : Welcome00

  • The SSH client and server are installed.
    • If not run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openssh-client
sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Setup your ROS sources.list

Setup your computer to accept software from ROS Indigo ONLY supports Saucy (13.10) and Trusty (14.04) for debian packages.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'

Set up your ROS keys

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-key 421C365BD9FF1F717815A3895523BAEEB01FA116

ROS Installation

Make sure the Debian package is up to date:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full

Initialize rosdep

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update

Getting rosinstall

Rosinstall is a frequently used command-line tool in ROS that is distributed separately. It enables you to easily download many source trees for ROS packages with one command.

sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall

Install required packages

Connected to the internet run the following commands:

Install useful Linux utilities

These tools are useful for monitoring system processes, setting up networking, and setting up NTPD for the remote computer. They are not necessary but recommended.

sudo apt-get install iperf chrony htop bridge-utils

Install required ROS third party packages for segway_v3_robot

These are the packages that RMP V3 depends on:

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-navigation ros-indigo-gmapping ros-indigo-robot-localization ros-indigo-yocs-cmd-vel-mux ros-indigo-joy ros-indigo-urg-node ros-indigo-lms1xx ros-indigo-pointgrey-camera-driver ros-indigo-cmake-modules ros-indigo-imu-tools daemontools openssh-server libpcap0.8-dev

Add yourself to the dialout group

This is necessary if you have serial, or serial-USB devices:

sudo adduser $USER dialout

Environment setup

Edit the local bash environment to add a few useful aliases:

gedit ~/.bashrc

Add the following lines to the end of the file each provides a few shortcuts:

source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
alias sws='source ./devel/setup.bash'
alias clean_backups='find ./ -name '*~' | xargs rm'
alias clean_pyc='find ./ -name '*.pyc' | xargs rm'
alias clean_rosbuild='rm -rf build devel install'
alias segstop='sudo service segway-core stop'
alias segstart='sudo service segway-core start'
alias segchk='sudo tail /var/log/upstart/segway-core.log -n 30'

Close your terminal and open a new one to make the changes effective

Setup Workspace

Create a work space in your home directory.

mkdir -p ~/segway_ws/src
cd ~/segway_ws/src
cd ..

Download and install ROS software packages

cd ~/segway_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ..

Modify Sudo

This modification allows the user sibot to run start / stop service without entering a password.

sudo visudo

Paste this at the bottom of the file below the "#includedir"

sibot   ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/start segway-core, /sbin/stop segway-core

Save the file


Setup chrony

  • If you are going to be running ROS nodes on a remote computer it is a good idea to setup chrony to synchronize time between the machines
  • The onboard robot PC should ideally run the server
  • Specific directions for setting up chrony can be found online

Additional Steps

You should probably do these regardless, but these steps are really only required PGR Flea3 camera and onboard PC powered from RMP.

Open the grub configuration

sudo gedit /etc/default/grub

Add this line

Configures the system to not wait at startup if boot fails

# disable getting stuck in menu after fail

Update the USB memory buffer to handle USB3

* Locate this line


* Change it to this:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash usbcore usbfs_memory_mb=1000"

Save and exit

Update Grub

From the terminal

sudo update-grub
sudo modprobe usbcore usbfs_memory_mb=1000

Restart the computer

Joystick setup

Install this lightweight joystick tester and run it if you are planning on driving the system around.

sudo apt-get install jstest-gtk

You should get a pop-up window with your joystick information. Go ahead and click on the correct one and verify that it works. Write down the /dev/input/jsX number and enter it in the configuration on the next screen.

Robot Customization

Edit the setup configuration

  • To setup your robot configuration edit the file:

gedit ~/segway_ws/src/segway_v3_robot/segway_bringup/env-hooks/
  • Changing this file after you've complied will have no affect, see the note below.
  • Review the config file carefully, it allows you to set all the variables needed to customize your platform
  • By default it is setup for an RMP 210 V3 with no sensors
  • Make sure to set SEGWAY_POWERS_PC_ONBOARD appropriately

    • Setting it true will make sure the PC shutdown before RMP power is removed
    • Setting it false implies that the PC will be powered from something other than the RMP (like a laptop battery)
  • Make sure ROBOT_NETWORK is set to the physical port ROS will communicate to the outside world on

    • The next section has details about the network configuration
  • To change the platform to another model (available models RMP_210, RMP_220, RMP_440LE, RMP_440SE, RMP_OMNI)
    • Edit the variable SEGWAY_BASE_PLATFORM (This is the platform the RMP is based on)

    • Edit the variable SEGWAY_PLATFORM_NAME (This is the name of the custom robot)

    • SEGWAY_BASE_PLATFORM is generally the same as SEGWAY_PLATFORM_NAME; unless you create a custom platform or buy one from Stanley Innovation

  • Edit the variable export SEGWAY_HAS_ONBOARD_JOY=true so we can control the platform with a joystick.

    • Using the input from the setup above modify these two lines to be correct:
      • export SEGWAY_JOY_DEV=/dev/input/js0 (Could be js2 for virtual machines)
      • export SEGWAY_JOY_MAPPING=xbox360 (Also tested with extreme3D)

  • For all models except the 210 set SEGWAY_HAS_BSA to true

  • SEGWAY_RUNS_IN_BALANCE_MODE should only be set for the 220 if you want to run in Balance mode

    • WARNING!! Do not run navigation in balance mode unless you fully understand the limitations and caveats of balance mode. It is probably best to contact Stanley Innovation and speak with engineering if you have any questions.

Compile from source

cd ~/segway_ws

Future Changes

If you need to go back and change something in the configuration you have two choices. Either modify the destination file which is created during the catkin_make:

gedit ~/segway_ws/devel/etc/catkin/profile.d/
cd ~/segway_ws


You can modify the file in "env-hooks" listed above and the run the following commands:

cd ~/segway_ws

If your un-sure about the value of a particular variable a quick way to check is with the echo command like this:


Network Setup

You need to set the network up for the platform and the various Ethernet enabled sensors. This is an outline and is intended to be a guide.

NOTE: The ROBOT_NETWORK environment variable must match the port you use for #1 below. It is possible to create the network with 1 NIC and some modifications, however, The following directions will assume you have 2 NICs.

Network Overview

Default Settings Outside world <--> eth0 ( <--> ROS <--> eth1 ( <--> platform ( port 8080

  • You can set this IP static by editing /etc/network/interfaces:

sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces

Set the IP of eth1 to the robot and sensor network

  • The default IP of the network interface that talks to the platform is

  • Then add these lines assuming eth1 is connected to all the sensors using Ethernet and the platform

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

Set the IP of eth0 to the ROS Network

  • This is the interface that any remote machines will talk to
  • Add these lines for eth0 into the same still open /etc/network/interfaces

   auto eth0
   iface eth0 inet static
  • Note that if you want to be able to connect to the internet you need to set the connection up to bridge to your internal wireless network, we will not cover that here

Make sure you setup the networking for all the sensors

  • Default sensor addresses are defined in see above

Save the file and exit

Restart the computer

sudo shutdown -r now

Check your settings

  • Verify that all the settings took.


Test your setup

NOTE: Power the PC from an external power supply until you have finished testing

Manual Launch

  • Ensure the Disable button is not depressed
  • Power the RMP on with the silver button
    • LED Ring should pulse blue
    • The Power LED will blink green
    • The status LED should blink yellow indicating the state
  • In a new terminal

cd ~/segway_ws
roslaunch segway_bringup stanley_innovation_system.launch
  • You should hear 2 beeps when the configuration server is initialized and 2 more when the platform is ready to accept commands
  • The launch is time staged so it takes ~15 seconds to complete
  • If you are having issues communicating with the platform:
    • Check the network configuration
    • The wrong platform may be set in the configuration
    • The platform may have the wrong embedded firmware
    • The platform may not be on
    • The kill switch is pressed
    • There are errors on sensors
      • The wrong ones maybe selected or they may not be setup correctly
  • Try using ping to ensure your network is setup correctly

Manual launch works, time to install the service

  • Kill any ROS nodes that may be running and close all terminals
  • Open a new terminal and install the upstart service

cd ~/segway_ws
rosrun segway_bringup install_segway_core

Start the service and make sure it starts up fine

  • To make sure everything starts fine you can repeatedly enter the following until the launch is finished

  • You should hear 2 beeps when the configuration server is initialized and 2 more when the platform is ready to accept commands
  • The launch is time staged so it takes ~15 seconds to complete

Save anything you might have open

Power off the RMP

  • Press the silver power button
    • You should hear the platform play the shutdown song
    • The status LED will turn solid red
    • The blue LED ring on the power button will pulse quickly
  • The PC should enter shutdown if you have configured it to run on RMP power
  • Wait for the system to turn off.
    • All LED will turn off after 30 sec

Power the PC from the RMP

  • Connect the PC power input to RMP power output if you are powering the onboard PC from the RMP
    • Typically a DMM is helpful to ensure the proper voltage and polarity.

Power on the system

  • Power the RMP on with the silver button
    • LED Ring should pulse blue
    • The Power LED will blink green
    • The status LED should blink yellow indicating the state
  • If the PC is powered by the RMP, everything should start up when the platform is powered on
    • You should hear 2 beeps when the configuration server is initialized and 2 more when the platform is ready to accept commands
    • The launch is time staged so it takes ~15 seconds to complete
  • If the PC has its own power source, power it on after the embedded system comes up

If you want to stop the service and restart it, open a terminal:


Test Visualization

  • Close all the terminals and open a fresh one
  • Start robot visualization:

cd ~/segway_ws
roslaunch segway_viz view_robot.launch
  • You should see your robot model come up and be able to see all the different sensors

Test reconfiguration GUI

  • Open another terminal

rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure
  • Expand Segway and mouse over the options to get a description
    • Make sure you read the manual and understand what parameters do before changing them

See data

  • If you are not familiar with RQT just click in the menu and select a few useful ones
    • Robots->Segway_RMP_V3

    • Visualization->RVIZ

    • Topics->Topic Monitor

    • Configuration->Dynamic Reconfigure

  • Experiment, play around with it etc.

Drive the system around

  • Press the 'B' button to enter tractor mode the platform will beep to confirm
  • Hold the deadman switch (left trigger)
  • You should now be able to drive the platform around.
  • See the control mapping in the configuration files

    Joystick Information

Done !!!

Wiki: Robots/RMPv3/indigo/one_computer_local_setup (last edited 2015-07-10 20:41:32 by stanleyinnovation)