MPO-700 Basic Bringup
Launch File
Start the robot by launching the bringup file:
roslaunch neo_mpo_700 bringup.launch
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Interaction and Usage
Motion Control
MPO-500 can be controlled by:
1. Publishing data to topic /cmd_vel
2. Control with hardware joystick
The odometry from wheelencoders is published by cob_undercarraige_ctrl_node to /odom as nav_msgs/Odometry.
Laser Scanners
Laser Scanners can be attached to the mobile robot on the front, back, front left and back right.
The usual setup includes two laser scanner.
There are two different models of laser scanner available.
Sick S300 Expert
1. Front or front left Laser Scanner (sick_s300_1)
2. Back or back right Laser Scanner (sick_s300_2)
Sick Microscan3
1. Front or front left Laser Scanner (sick_micros3_1)
2. Back or back right Laser Scanner (sick_micros3_2)
Neobotix Relayboard is the main interface to most internal hardware components.
Connected hardware components:
- IOBoard (only if available)
- USBoard (only if available)
Published Data
1. Hardware state
See RelayBoardV2.msg.
2. Battery information
See BatteryState.msg.
3. Emergency information
4. IOBoard Data (only if available)
See IOBoard.msg.
5. USBoard Data (only if available)
See USBoard.msg and sensor_msgs/Range.msg.
1. Start automatic charging
rosservice call /relayboard_v2/start_charging
2. Stop automatic charging
rosservice call /relayboard_v2/stop_charging
3. Write text to LCD (maximum 20 characters)
rosservice call /relayboard_v2/set_LCD_msg
4. Toggle relay
rosservice call /relayboard_v2/set_relay