The following dynamic_reconfigure API must be implemented by packages specific to access point model such as hostapd_access_point, linksys_access_point, ddwrt_access_point.


~enabled (bool, default: False)
  • Access point running status. Set to True to start access point and to False to stop it. Note that this is also an output parameter (the current running status of the AP will be reflected here).
~ssid (str, default: test)
  • Access point essid (network name)
~wmm (bool, default: False)
  • Wireless multimedia extensions support
~mode (str, default: b)
  • IEEE 802.11 mode. Possible values are: a: 802.11a mode, b: 802.11b mode, g: 802.11g mode
~freq (double, default: 2412000000.0)
  • Access point frequency in Hz. This needs to be both a legal IEEE 802.11 channel frequency and the channel must belog to the current mode (e.g. if setting a 5GHz frequency, the current mode has to be a)
~ieee80211n (bool, default: False)
  • IEEE 802.11n support.
~encryption_mode (string, default: open)
  • Security mode. Possible values are: open: no security, wep: WEP security, wpa: WPA security, wpa2: WPA2 security, wpa_wpa2: WPA or WPA2 security.
~encryption_pass (string)
  • Encryption key (i.e. 10 or 26 hexadecimal digits) for WEP or passphrase for WPA.
~txpower_auto (bool, default: True)
  • Automatic TX power control
~txpower (int, default: 0)
  • TX power (dBm). Must first set txpower_auto to False.
~bitrate (int, default: 0)
  • TX bitrate (bps). This should be a legal bitrate for the current 802.11 mode (e.g. 1000000 for b mode or 24000000 for g or a modes)
~status (string, default: OK)
  • Status of last parameter update. Possible values are: OK: operation successfully completed or FAIL: last operation failed (see errmsg for the reason). This parameter is read-only.
~errmsg (string, default: )
  • Error message if last update was not successful. This parameter is read-only.

Wiki: access_point_control (last edited 2010-11-09 09:10:51 by CatalinDrula)