Only released in EOL distros:
biped_robin: biped_robin_bringup | biped_robin_description | biped_robin_driver | biped_robin_msgs
Package Summary
- Author: Johannes Mayr
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
This package contains the hardware interface to control the robot. The rtai_ros_bridge package from rtai_ros_integration stack is used to exchange data with the robot.
Serialization of data that is sent to the BipedRobin controller.Subscribed Topics
cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)- Desired velocity for WheeledRobin (x, theta)
Published Topics
data_to_rtai (std_msgs/UInt8MultiArray)- Serialized data that is sent to the BipedRobin controller via rtai_ros_bridge.
footstep3DInc_srv (biped_robin_msgs/StepTarget3DService)- Add one step to the step buffer of BipedRobin (used in walking mode).
- Set the desired cartesian posture for BipedRobin (used in cartesian posture mode).
- Set the desired joint posture for BipedRobin (used in joint posture mode).
- Sets the desired speed/force of the gripper of BipedRobin.
- Send an error acknowledgement to the BipedRobin (e.g. after using the emergency stop button or the stop_srv).
- Used to reference the BipedRobin (just works in service mode).
- Send an stop request to the BipedRobin (before the robot can be moved again the error needs to be acknowledged by acknowledge_srv).
- Resets the internal state (joint state) of the robot. Can only be called in idle mode)
- Sets the desired mode of the robot (e.g. 0.. idle mode, 1.. home position mode, 2.. walk position mode, 3.. walk mode, 8.. joint posture mode, 9.. cartesian posture mode).
- Sets an parameter of BipedRobin to the desired value.
par_isRealEnvironment (bool, default: false)- Defines if the BipedRobin controller is in a simulated mode or controlls the physical robot.
De-serialization of data that was sent by the BipedRobin controller to ROS topics.Subscribed Topics
data_from_rtai (std_msgs/UInt8MultiArray)- Data the BipedRobin Controller sent via rtai_ros_bridge.
Published Topics
joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)- Joint states of BipedRobin.
- Current state and behaviour of BipedRobin
- Number of steps left in the step buffer of BipedRobin. If the buffer is empty the robot stops walking.
Provided tf Transforms
odom → base_link- Transfrom from odom to base_link.
- Transfrom from base_link to center_of_mass.
- Transfrom from base_link to gaze.
- Transfrom from base_link to l_sole.
- Transfrom from base_link to rl_sole.
- Transfrom from base_link to base_footprint.
Publishes the tranformation fromSubscribed Topics
cur_tilt_angle (std_msgs/Float64)- Current angle of the Kinect (e.g. provided by kinect_aux)
Published Topics
tilt_angle (std_msgs/Float64)- Desired angle of the Kinect (e.g. used by kinect_aux)
Provided tf Transforms
camera_link → gaze- Transfrom from camera_link to the gaze frame (Kinect can be rotated, so this transfrom is not static).