Package Summary
Launch files to configure and startup the Care-O-bot tray based on the cob_powercube_chain.
- Author: Florian Weisshardt
- License: LGPL
- Repository: care-o-bot
- Source: git
Hardware Requirements
This package configures the cob_powercube_chain to use one powercube for the Care-O-bot tray. Alternatively you can use a simulated version without any hardware, see cob_gazebo.
This package doesn't have a own ROS API, it just configures the cob_powercube_chain with 1 DOF.
For starting only the tray use
roslaunch cob_tray solo.launch
For including the tray in your overall launch file use
<include file="$(find cob_tray)/ros/launch/tray.launch" />
A sample parameter file could look like this
can_module: PCAN can_device: /dev/pcan0 can_baudrate: 500 module_ids: [10] joint_names: [torso_tray_joint] max_accelerations: [0.8] OperationMode: position
For moving the tray start the cob_dashboard
roslaunch cob_dashboard dashboard.launch
Press the "init" button to call the init service for connecting to the hardware. Afterwards use the buttons to move to predefined positions.