SIG Coordinator: Jack O'Quin
Topics: driver packaging, sensor_msgs, dynamic_reconfigure
- Jack O'Quin
- Chad Rockey
- Eric Perko
- Ken Tossell
- Ze'ev Klapow
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Proposed new features
Eliminate packaging impediments to writing drivers with minimal dependencies. It should be possible to release driver stacks that can run on headless systems without installing heavy dependencies like X11.
Separate GUI dependencies from geometry stack (<<Ticket(ros-pkg 5439)>>).\
- Requires tf2?
Separate GUI dependencies from dynamic_reconfigure (Kforge ticket #3).
- Ze'ev finished this!
Enable basic sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 generation using only minimal PCL components.
Possible enhancements, including the Parameter Groups Proposal, and <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3617)>>
There are some changes by Ben Ballard to support <<Ticket(ros-pkg 3617)>> in the dynamic_reconfigure master, but we'll obviously need to test them and have the dynamic_reconfigure maintainer get them in an updated release for Groovy
C++ Client API (To resolve having to call command line from code.)
separate GUI from driver service components Kforge ticket #3
Camera namespace changes, REP approval needed. (Jack): No REP draft is currently available. Unless someone volunteers to move it forward, I doubt this will go into Groovy.
Add an informational GPS message that contains Satellite Counts, etc?
- This should just be informational diagnostics. Not done.
Submit patches to consumers of gps_common/GPSFix to convert to sensor_msgs/NavSatFix if possible.
Unary stack packaging, see REP-0109
- Holding off until Catkin settles. Mostly done for Hydro.
- Need a new REP or interface for multi-echo lasers.
Need to support ethernet hokuyos. Either through new package or updating hokuyo_node.
- Depends on multi-echo.
- No test hardware (maybe for Hydro).
Need a new package for the SICK 100 and 500 series.\
- Depends on multi-echo.
- No test hardware (maybe for Hydro).
Unary stack packaging, see REP-0109
- Holding off until Catkin settles. Done for hydro.
- Standard diagnostics API (key names, hardware ids, parameter names, etc)
- Is this more than just basic diagnostic support? Camera drivers already have that.
This is trying to standardize key names, hardware ids, parameter names, maybe even topic names. We should try to write a REP for each driver specifying best usage: this answer starts that process for Imu:
gps_drivers (Eric: Delayed until H-Turtle... not going to be able to get to this before the feature freeze)
Update nmea_gps_driver to read from a string topic for more compatibility (see gpsdrivers ticket #3)
Update nmea_gps_driver to support synchronization of multiple sentences in order to pull the best data available for constructing the output messages
- Migrate to Github
- gpsd_client isn't on Github. Need to ask Ken to move it.
- Catkinize.
Release date (2012-12-31)
- Actual release date