Only released in EOL distros:  


Package Summary

Package to parse NMEA strings and publish standard ROS GPS messages. This package does not require the GPSD deamon.


Package Summary

Package to parse NMEA strings and publish standard ROS GPS messages. This package does not require the GPSD deamon.

Package Summary

Package deprecated This package will be removed in ROS Indigo. The nmea_navsat_driver package replaces this package. The nmea_serial_driver node contained in that package should be a dropin replacement for .

Package to parse NMEA strings and publish a very simple GPS messgae. Does not require the GPSD deamon.

  • Maintainer status: end-of-life (Replaced by the nmea_navsat_driver package. Scheduled to be removed in Indigo.)
  • Maintainer: Eric Perko <eric AT ericperko DOT com>
  • Author: Eric Perko <eric AT ericperko DOT com>, Steven Martin
  • License: BSD
  • Source: git (branch: hydro-devel)

New in Hydro This package is deprecated and has been replaced with the nmea_navsat_driver package in ROS Hydro. It will be dropped in ROS Indigo..


This package provides a ROS interface for GPS devices that output compatible NMEA sentences. See the GPSD documentation of NMEA sentences for details on the raw format. Of the thousands of NMEA-compatible GPS devices, we are compiling a list of devices known to be supported.

This package is compatible with the geographic_info project as well as any other nodes that support sensor_msgs/NavSatFix and/or sensor_msgs/TimeReference.

Due to the dependency on sensor_msgs/TimeReference, this package is only compatible with ROS Fuerte or newer.

No C++ or Python API is provided, only a ROS API.

Sample Usage

To get up and running quickly, you can use the following command to start outputting your GPS data onto ROS topics. This assumes your GPS is outputting GGA NMEA sentences, is connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 and is communicating at 38400 baud.

$ rosrun nmea_gps_driver _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=38400


NMEA GPS Driver node. Deprecated in Hydro in favor of to help avoid Python module import conflicts.

Published Topics

fix (sensor_msgs/NavSatFix)
  • GPS position fix reported by the device.
vel (geometry_msgs/TwistStamped)
  • Velocity output from the GPS device. Only published when the device outputs velocity information. The driver does not calculate the velocity based on only position fixes.
time_reference (sensor_msgs/TimeReference)
  • The timestamp from the GPS device is used as the time_ref.


~port (string, default: /dev/ttyUSB0)
  • The device path
~baud (int, default: 4800)
  • The baud rate to receive NMEA data.
~frame_id (string, default: gps) ~time_ref_source (string, default: <the value of ~frame_id>) ~useRMC (bool, default: False)
  • Whether to generate position fixes from GGA sentences or a combination of RMC and GSA. If True, fixes will be generated from RMC and GSA. If False, fixes will be generated based on the GGA sentences. Using GGA sentences allows for covariance output while RMC+GSA provides velocity information.

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Wiki: nmea_gps_driver (last edited 2013-08-25 23:35:01 by EricPerko)