All guides and documentation for installing and using ros on windows can be found in the win_ros wiki pages.
ROS Hydro is EOL, and these instructions for getting it to work on Windows are outdated. They are only kept here for historical reasons.
Please do not expect these steps to work, or try to follow them.
For future Windows support, see the relevant ROS2 resources.
Subscribe to the ChangeList page to keep track of progress by email.
Roscon 2012 Presentation - Windows on Ros slides.
Getting Started
WinRos on Windows
This is for native Windows development with the Microsoft Visual C++ Compilers 2010. Currently supporting either Windows SDK 7.1 (cl/nmake) or Visual Studio 10.0.
Msvc Status - what's working and what's not.
Msvc SDK - installing, configuring and verifying a pre-built sdk.
Msvc SDK Projects - developing projects with visual studio and the sdk.
Msvc SDK Messages - developing new ros msg types with the sdk.
- Msvc Runtime Environment - rosmaster, roslaunch'ers, rosparam and ros logging with the sdk.
For more advanced users who are familiar with ros and catkin:
Msvc Compiled SDK - compiling the sdk manually.
Msvc Overlays - build catkin style with an overlay on top of an installed sdk.
Contact - where to go for help or to ask about contributing.
Troubleshooting - if you are having issues, consult this first.
Additional Help - general questions about working in win_ros.
Roadmap/ChangeList - current status and plans.
Contributing - if you're interested in helping, either with the infrastructure or porting stacks, start here.