
FORTERC_driver is a ROS driver for the FORTE-RC platform, implemented on the Arduino board. It deals with the omnidirectional kinematics, motor controllers and ultrasonic sensor readings. FORTERC_driver benefits from rosserial_arduino to publish and subscribe topics to the high-level layer.

Quick Start

Turn ON FORTE-RC and connect to its internal CPU (take a look here to know how to do so). Once FORTE-RC starts, simply run:


script, from forte_rc_robot/scripts folder. Or it is possible to launch it step-by-step description of how to start FORTERC_driver normal mode of operation is presented next.

To launch the serial bridge between the pc NUC and the ForteRC driver (Arduino Mega) and the 2 Hokuyo lasers:

roslaunch forte_rc_robot bring_up_forterc.launch

Launch the lasers merger:

roslaunch forte_rc_robot laser_merger.launch

Also if is necessary teleoperation with the wiimote, simply launch:

roslaunch forte_rc_robot teleop_wii_forterc.launch

To check if FORTERC_driver is on its normal mode of operation (i.e., publishing/subscribing topics through streaming mode), run check the topics published by the Arduino and echo the sonar readings as:

rostopic list
rostopic echo sonars

Serial communication

The communication between the low-level (Arduino MEGA ADK ) and high-level (Intel NUC NUC5i5RYH) layers is made entirely via serial, as depicted above.

FORTE-RC serial communication

Tip: To list the all available usb ports:

ls -l /dev/forteRC* 


The ping-pong communication is mainly used for debugging. It allows the user to test specific features of FORTE-RC, such as reading the ultrasonic sensors and the encoders, or even move the platform on a predefined path. Yet, the most relevant ping-pong commands are the ones that allow to start and stop the streaming process, which, on the other hand, enables the publish-subscribe ROS architecture on the Arduino board through rosserial_arduino.

All commands between CPU (NUC) and Arduino (uC) are sent and received in ASCII, starting with the '@' character and ending with the 'e' character. Note that some of the commands do not return any answer (NA). Next table presents all ping-pong commands implemented to date.


NUC > uC

uC > NUC





Start streaming publish/subscribe protocol




Stop streaming publish/subscribe protocol




Check if encoders work by moving each wheel consecutively for 2550 pulses, returning the number of seconds each wheel took to do so




Read current value of encoders




Read current value of front ultrasonic sensors in clockwise




Read current value of right ultrasonic sensors in clockwise




Read current value of back ultrasonic sensors in clockwise




Read current value of left ultrasonic sensors in clockwise




Read current value of all ultrasonic sensors in clockwise




Move the platform using the PID controller for




Move the platform without using the PID controller for




Stop motors




Reset encoders




Control right and left RGB head LEDs




Display the pose of the robot (x,y,w)




Reset odometry pose to (0.0,0.0,0.0)

LF = left-front | RF = right-front | LB = left-back | LF = left-front | sec = seconds | S1...16 = ultrasonic sensor | R = red (0-255) | G = green (0-255) | B = blue (0-255) | r = right | l = left

FORTE-RC top view


As opposed to the ping-pong protocol exclusively designed for debugging and sporadic communication, the streaming protocol is required to keep a systematic communication with the ROS layer. To that end, the streaming benefits from rosserial_arduino to publish and subscribe topics. This is the core of the FORTERC_driver as it essentially connects FORTE-RC to the ROS framework. Although systematic, the streaming is aperiodic, i.e., some topics are published/subscribed whenever the data is ready, while some others are published/subscribed periodically. Yet, as a "safeguard mechanism", the timestamp from the high-level layer will be constantly monitored by the low-level layer, so as to ensure that the connection is well-established between both layers. Whenever the timestamp freezes for more than 500 milliseconds, FORTE-RC enters in the emergency mode state. Under the streaming protocol, the ROS-Arduino exchange the following messages.

Subscribed Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs/Twist)
  • Velocity commands to FORTE-RC.
RGB_leds (std_msgs/UInt8MultiArray)
  • Control right and left RGB head LEDs.

Published Topics

odometry (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • Odometry data from the robot.
sonars (std_msgs/UInt16MultiArray)
  • Range data from the array of 16 ultrasonic sensors.

Provided tf Transforms

  • Odometry transform from odom frame to FORTE-RC's center.
  • Computed footprint of FORTE-RC on the ground (z=0). This pose is always regarding the center of the platform.

Wiki: ingeniarius/ForteRC/FORTERC_driver (last edited 2016-07-18 15:45:43 by INGENIARIUS)