Writing a Joint Space controller
- Writing a realtime joint controller
このチュートリアルはあなたに ja/pr2_controller_managerのリアルタイムループで実行されることができるJointスペースコントローラーを書く方法を教えます
- Running a realtime joint controller
Adding features to a Joint Space controller
- Communicating with a realtime joint controller
- Adding a PID to a realtime joint controller
Debugging and tuning a controller
- Capturing data from a controller
- Plotting controller data in matlab or octave
This tutorial teaches you how to visualize the captured state of a controller in matlab or octave.
Writing a Cartesian Space controller
- Implementing a realtime Cartesian controller
This tutorial teaches you how to control a robot in Cartesian space
Video Tutorials
Moving the Base (pt 1)
Moving the Base (pt 2)
Moving the Torso and Gripper
Moving the Head
Moving the Arms
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