ROS API description


nxt_base_controller provides a controller for a basic differential drive vehicle (i.e. a car).

Subscribed Topics

~joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)
  • The current effort, position, and velocity of the servo motors.
~cmd_vel (geometry/Twist)
  • The desired linear and angular x,y,z of the base.

Published Topics

~joint_command (nxt_msgs/JointCommand)
  • Effort commands to move the motors.


~base_parameters/r_wheel_joint (string, default: None)
  • The name of the right wheel joint.
~base_parameters/l_wheel_joint (string, default: None)
  • The name of the left wheel joint.
~base_parameters/wheel_radius (double, default: 0.022)
  • The radius of the Lego wheel, this assumes both wheels have the same radius.
~base_parameters/wheel_basis (double, default: 0.055)
  • The distance from the center of each wheel divided by 2.
~base_parameters/vel_to_eff (double, default: 0.55)
  • The ratio of the output velocity to the commanded effort.


nxt_base_odometry provides odometry for a basic differential drive vehicle (i.e. a car).

Subscribed Topics

~joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)
  • The current effort, position, and velocity of the servo motors.

Published Topics

~odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)
  • The change in position over time in the fixed frame.


~base_parameters/r_wheel_joint (string, default: None)
  • The name of the right wheel joint.
~base_parameters/l_wheel_joint (string, default: None)
  • The name of the left wheel joint.
~base_parameters/wheel_radius (double, default: 0.022)
  • The radius of the Lego wheel, this assumes both wheels have the same radius.
~base_parameters/wheel_basis (double, default: 0.055)
  • The distance from the center of each wheel divided by 2.

Wiki: nxt_controllers (last edited 2010-08-19 17:05:08 by wim)