Package Organization

This package contains robot description files for PR2, organized into subdirectories as follows:

  • calibration/ contains calibration parameters included by urdf files

  • defs/ contains (xacro representations of) urdf descriptions of various parts of the PR2 (arm, torso, etc.)

  • robots/ contains (xacro representations of) urdf descriptions of the full robot, that refer to the macros in defs/

  • meshes/ contains mesh files (.stl) for visualization and collision properties

  • launch/ contains roslaunch files that upload the robot urdf descriptions to the parameter server

Status and Roadmap (Oct 2009)

Note that this package evolved organically, together the the prototype hardware at Willow Garage, and currently includes definitions for a large number of legacy pieces of hardware, as well as specific configurations that currently exist at Willow Garage. This package is being replaced by a version which properly represents the production hardware before the 1.0 release of this stack: see the pr2_description package.


No tutorials for this exist right now. Several of the URDF tutorials explain the files in this package in detail. See also robot_model and simulator_gazebo.