Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
pr2_drive_life_test contains utilities for localizing and commanding the PR2 in a special fixture. This is used in a PR2 burn in test.
This is intended for Willow Garage personnel only, and has no public API.
- Author: Eric Berger, Kevin Watts
- License: BSD
- Repository: wg-ros-pkg
- Source: svn
Package Summary
pr2_drive_life_test contains utilities for localizing and commanding the PR2 in a special fixture. This is used in a PR2 burn in test.
This is intended for Willow Garage personnel only, and has no public API.
- Author: Eric Berger, Kevin Watts
- License: BSD
- Source: svn
The pr2_drive_life_test package contains a tool to shuffle the PR2 during a PR2 Burn In Test. This tool should be launched with the file pr2_drive_life_test/pr2_drive_life_test.launch.
The script commands the PR2 base during the PR2 burn in test. It runs a 500 Hz loop to command the base along a sinusoidal path inside the PR2 burn-in test fixture.
The launch file contains a map_server and amcl to localize the robot in the test fixture. The map life_test.pgm is specific to the PR2 burn in text fixture.
Reset / Relocalize
If the script detects that motors are halted, it will stop sending drive commands until the service pr2_base/reset_drive is called. When the service is called, the robot is relocalized to the center of the test fixture by publishing on the initialpose topic.
This reset ability allows an operator to recenter a robot that has gotten lost in the burn in test fixture.
A special "listener" in pr2_hardware_test_monitor listens to the output from the script. It will call the pr2_base/reset_drive service when needed.
Drives the PR2 base during the PR2 burn in test.Subscribed Topics
pr2_etherCAT/motors_halted (std_msgs/Bool)- Motors halted
Published Topics
base_driving (std_msgs/Bool)- Whether robot is driving or not.
- Target/goal pose of the robot.
- Commanded velocity of the robot
- Initial pose of the robot
pr2_base/halt_drive (std_srvs/Empty)- Stop sending drive commands
- Restart sending drive commands