
This package provides communication interface between ROS and OPC UA communication standard using freeopcua written in C++. This package currently implements an OPC UA Client with basic functionality. For more details see the node description.

Installing the package

Check the ros_opcua_communication page.

Starting the nodes

The easiest way to start the nodes is using launch file:

roslaunch ros_opcua_impl_freeopcua clinet.launch



Implements OPC UA client functionality in ROS.


connect (ros_opcua_srvs/Connect)
  • Connect to the OPC UA server defined in request.
disconnects (ros_opcua_srvs/Disconnect)
  • Disconnects from the OPC UA server.
list_node (ros_opcua_srvs/ListNode)
  • List child nodes from the node ID request.
call_method (ros_opcua_srvs/CallMethod)
  • Call OPC UA method.
read (ros_opcua_srvs/Read)
  • Read a value from node in OPC UA server.
write (ros_opcua_srvs/Write)
  • Write a value to the node in OPC UA server.
subscribe (ros_opcua_srvs/Subscribe)
  • Subscribe to data-change event for the node in OPC UA server. Topic for publishing event will be automatically created.
unsubscribe (ros_opcua_srvs/Unsubscribe)
  • Unsubscribe from a node in the OPC UA server.

Report a Bug

Use GitHub to report bugs or submit feature requests. [View active issues]

Wiki: ros_opcua_impl_freeopcua (last edited 2016-12-19 15:58:08 by DenisStogl)