Only released in EOL distros:  

rosh_robot_plugins: rosh | rosh_common | rosh_geometry | rosh_robot | roshlaunch

Package Summary

ROSH plugin for the geometry stack, including tf.

rosh_robot_plugins: rosh_common | rosh_geometry | rosh_robot

Package Summary

ROSH plugin for the geometry stack, including tf.

rosh_robot_plugins: rosh_common | rosh_geometry | rosh_robot

Package Summary

ROSH plugin for the geometry stack, including tf.

rosh_robot_plugins: rosh_common | rosh_geometry | rosh_robot

Package Summary

ROSH plugin for the geometry stack, including tf.

rosh_robot_plugins: rosh_common | rosh_geometry | rosh_robot

Package Summary

ROSH plugin for the geometry stack, including tf.

rosh_robot_plugins: rosh_common | rosh_geometry | rosh_robot

Package Summary

ROSH plugin for the geometry stack, including tf.

rosh_robot_plugins: rosh_common | rosh_geometry | rosh_robot

Package Summary

ROSH plugin for the geometry stack, including tf.



  • transforms: index of all tf transforms

Data types

  • Point

  • Quaternion

  • PointStamped

  • PoseStamped

  • QuaternionStamped

  • Vector3Stamped



  • Get the current transform from transform_name to target_transform.

Wiki: rosh_geometry (last edited 2014-07-16 18:32:11 by DanLazewatsky)