
Tutorials for interaction with ROS and the TouchOSC iOS application.

These tutorials require Hexler's TouchOSC app, available on the iTunes App Store

TouchOSC is copyright RJ Fischer.



These tutorials will get you familiar with the standard features of touchosc_bridge

  1. Setting up ROSOSC

    Setting up an environment to use ROSOSC and TouchOSC

  2. Loading TouchOSC Layouts with ROS

    Basics of TouchOSC and loading custom layouts to iOS devices.

  3. Basic Interaction with ROS and TouchOSC

    Interacting with some of the capabilities of ROS and OSC

  4. Using the Default tabpage handler to interact with TouchOSC layouts

    How to use the default tabpage handler to interact with TouchOSC layouts

  5. Using Tabpage Handlers (Teleop)

    How to use pre-built tabpage handlers in the ROSOSC stack. In particular, the teleoperation tabpage handler.

  6. Using Tabpage Handlers (Diagnostics)

    How to use pre-built tabpage handlers in the ROSOSC stack. In particular, the diagnostics tabpage handler.


These tutorials will get you familiar with the extended features of touchosc_bridge

  1. A More Advanced Publisher/Subscriber

    A tutorial to show how to change control values via ROS Publishers and Subscribers

Wiki: rososc_tutorials (last edited 2011-11-06 18:59:29 by MichaelCarroll)