Only released in EOL distros:
Package Summary
Xacro model and usb driver for basic communication with Schunk EZN64 gripper
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Frantisek Durovsky <frantisek.durovsky AT smartroboticsys DOT eu>
- Author: Frantisek Durovsky <frantisek.durovsky AT smartroboticsys DOT eu>
- License: BSD
- External website:
- Source: git (branch: master)
Package Summary
Xacro model and usb driver for basic communication with Schunk EZN64 gripper
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Frantisek Durovsky <frantisek.durovsky AT smartroboticsys DOT eu>
- Author: Frantisek Durovsky <frantisek.durovsky AT smartroboticsys DOT eu>
- License: BSD
- External website:
- Source: git (branch: master)
This package is part of schunk_grippers stack. It allows user to control Schunk EZN64 gripper over USB using standard ROS services and provides Xacro model for easier integration with various robots.
Git clone source to your "catkin_ws/src" folder and catkin_make as usual.
This package depends on libusb1.0-0 library which should be part of ROS installation. To check availibility type:
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0
By default, the file permissions for the EZN64 gripper device does not permit writing. This often leads to an error "Not able to open a device" or similar. To permanently change the permissions, it is recomended to create a udev rule. Login as root, create a file "20-usb-ezn64.rules", copy the text below and move the file to "/etc/udev/rules.d/" folder.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb" ATTR{idVendor}=="7358" ATTR{idProduct}=="371" ACTION=="add" MODE:="0666"
Reboot to apply udev changes.
Node for interfacing EZN64 by libusb1.0-0. Provides ROS services for gripper control and publishes actual gripper position to joint_statesPublished Topics
joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)- publishes actual gripper position
schunk_ezn64/reference (std_msgs/Empty)- Referencing the gripper
- Getting actual gripper error
- Acknowledging occured error/errors
- Getting actual gripper position
- Setting actual gripper position
- Stopping gripper movement
vendor_id (std_msgs/UInt16)- Vendor ID according to USB conventions
- Product ID according to USB conventions
- Gripper ID according to controller setup
Required tf Transforms
robot_end_link → schunk_ezn64_base_link- Connecting gripper to robot
Provided tf Transforms
schunk_ezn64_base_link → schunk_ezn64_finger_1_link- Finger 1 link
- Finger 2 link
- Finger 3 link
Note: Before interfacing Schunk EZN64 gripper from Linux, we highly recomend to use original Windows application Schunk MTS Tool to verify that gripper is fully functional and there are no wiring or other hardware issues.
To launch the driver node, use the following command:
$ roslaunch schunk_ezn64 ezn64_usb_control.launch
if everything is okay, after typing
$ rostopic echo /joint_states
you should see actual gripper position being published on "joint_states" topic 10 times per second:
header: seq: 34 stamp: secs: 1443076490 nsecs: 513091024 frame_id: '' name: ['ezn64_finger_1_joint', 'ezn64_finger_2_joint', 'ezn64_finger_3_joint'] position: [0.011971454620361328, 0.011971454620361328, 0.011971454620361328] velocity: [] effort: [] --- header: seq: 35 stamp: secs: 1443076490 nsecs: 612699408 frame_id: '' name: ['ezn64_finger_1_joint', 'ezn64_finger_2_joint', 'ezn64_finger_3_joint'] position: [0.01197367763519287, 0.01197367763519287, 0.01197367763519287] velocity: [] effort: []
Note: In case of initialization problems, try to unplug and plug the USB cable again.
Test the driver
To get the list of available services type:
$ rosservice list
If everything is okay, you should notice 6 services being advertised by "ezn64_usb_control" node:
schunk_ezn64/reference schunk_ezn64/get_error schunk_ezn64/acknowledge_error schunk_ezn64/get_position schunk_ezn64/set_position schunk_ezn64/stop
These services are ROS user interface to Schunk EZN64 gripper. Except "set_position" all of them use std_msgs::Empty requests, so you don't need to specify any values, just "rosservice call" as in the example below.
get_error service
To test the driver start by calling the get_error service (std_msgs::Empty request):
$ rosservice call /schunk_ezn64/get_error
If no error occured - the driver should respond:
error_code: 0
To get actual gripper position, call get_position service (std_msgs::Empty request):
$ rosservice call /schunk_ezn64/get_position
Gripper should respond with actual position value in std_msgs::Float32 format:
actual_position: 11.9702377319
To move the gripper to target position, call set_position service (std_msgs::float32 request):
$ rosservice call /schunk_ezn64/set_position value
where "value" is within a range of <0 - 12> mm. The current driver supports only position control, which means that "goal_velocity" and "goal_acceleration" are permanently set to default values.
If goal_position within a range, the gripper should respond with goal_position being accepted and move to desired position:
goal_accepted: True
To reference gripper, call reference service (std_msgs::Empty request). Referencing may also help in cases you are not able to move the gripper although everything else looks okay:
$ rosservice call schunk_ezn64/reference
Xacro model
To visualize Schunk EZN64 gripper in Rviz use "ezn64_visualize_standalone.launch" file.
$ roslaunch schunk_ezn64 ezn64_visualize_standalone.launch
Since all three fingers are mechanically interlocked, there is only one joint to control the movement of all of them. Use joint_state_publisher GUI to test the movement: