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Hardware Setup

Description: Required hardware components and how to connect them.

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER

Next Tutorial: Software installation

Required Hardware

You will need the following components:

Connecting the components

First, don't forget to turn on the Kobuki base.

Connect the USB On-The-Go adapter to your Tango device in one end, and to the Kobuki base in the other end using the standard USB cable provided with the Kobuki base. Place the Tango device on the dock and locate it in the robot as shown in the pictures below. Your tablet's camera should be pointing ahead your robot's front.

NOTE: The Tangobot application will work with the Tango Development Kit, the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro or the Asus Zenfone AR as long as the positions of the devices are exactly as shown in the pictures. Otherwise, the extrinsics transform configuration will need to be adjusted to your particular robot configuration.

Please take a look at the pictures for clarification:

Micro USB On The Go adapter Tablet placement

Phab 2 Pro development
Base Connection

USB C OTG adapter
Asus ZenFone placement

What's next?

Now that you have your hardware setup ready, you can proceed with Software Installation, or go back to the Tangobot's Main Page.

Wiki: tangobot/tutorials/kinetic/hardware setup (last edited 2017-09-06 13:52:11 by jubeira)