Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: Tangobot Hardware Setup.
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Tangobot Software Installation

Description: Installing the required software to start the Tangobot.

Keywords: Tango ROS Turtlebot

Tutorial Level: BEGINNER


Tangobot's software consists of two main components:

  • The Android application, which is a sensor, a navigation planner and a robot base driver at the same time. In other words, it does pretty much all the work.
  • A visualizer, which shows the robot in a map and is capable of sending goals.

This tutorial will help you install both components.

If you are an advanced user, familiarized with ROS and Android and you want to hack Tangobot, you might want to take a look at the Developer section.

Pre Requisites

These instructions assume you have a computer with pre-installed Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) or a second Android phone (not necessarily Tango-enabled) to use as visualizers.

Tangobot Android Application

Go to the Play Store in your Tango-enabled Android device. Search for Tangobot and install the application.

Visualizer Software

There are two options to visualize the robot: a desktop computer running Linux and RViz, or a second Android device running Map Nav application. Follow the instructions below according to the visualizer you want to use.

Desktop visualization

This section describes how to install RViz in your Linux desktop as well as some helper scripts.

ROS installation

Follow the instructions to install ROS Kinetic full desktop installation. You will also need rosjava build tools. From a terminal, run:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosjava-build-tools

Tangobot desktop configuration

Open a command line and run the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/tangobot_ws/src
cd ~/tangobot_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/tangobot_ws
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src/tangobot/tangobot_desktop
catkin_make --pkg tangobot_desktop

This will add the tangobot_desktop package to your ROS environment, and will ensure that all the required dependencies are installed (which are some of the standard Turtlebot packages).

Android visualizer: Map Nav

Go to the Play Store in your second Android device and look for Yujin Robot's Ros Map Navigation (Kinetic) and install the application.

What's next?

You now have all the required software setup installed to start using your robot. You can now proceed to Autonomous Navigation in an Empty Map for a quick demo, or go back to the Tangobot main page.

Wiki: tangobot/tutorials/kinetic/installation (last edited 2017-09-06 12:46:43 by jubeira)