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Package Summary

A module to control the head. This module is included in the Thormang3 Manager as a library.

ROS Software Maintainer: ROBOTIS

ROBOTIS e-Manual



Subscribed Topics

robotis/head_control/move_lidar (std_msgs/String)
  • The message in this topic is used to move the head in order to obtain Lidar data.
robotis/head_control/move_lidar_with_range (std_msgs/Float64)
  • The message in this topic is used to scan up and down a given range at the current head position to generate 3D lidar data.
robotis/head_control/set_joint_states (sensor_msgs/JointState)
  • The message in this topic is used to control joints that are connected to the head.
robotis/head_control/set_joint_states_time (thormang3_head_control_module_msgs/HeadJointPose)
  • The message in this topic is used to move head joints for given time.

Published Topics

robotis/sensor/move_lidar (std_msgs/String)
  • The message in this topic is used to report the head movement to the Node which assembles LiDAR data.
robotis/status (robotis_controller_msgs/StatusMsg)
  • The message in this topic is used to indicate status of the head_control_module.
robotis/movement_done (std_msgs/String)
  • The message in this topic is used to .

Wiki: thormang3_head_control_module (last edited 2018-04-30 02:03:30 by Jaehyun Shim)