Show EOL distros:
turtlebot3_autorace: turtlebot3_autorace_camera | turtlebot3_autorace_control | turtlebot3_autorace_core | turtlebot3_autorace_detect
Package Summary
AutoRace ROS packages for feature detection with TurtleBot3 Auto
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Pyo <pyo AT robotis DOT com>, Gilbert <kkjong AT robotis DOT com>
- Author: Gilbert <kkjong AT robotis DOT com>, Leon Jung
- License: Apache 2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
turtlebot3_autorace: turtlebot3_autorace_camera | turtlebot3_autorace_control | turtlebot3_autorace_core | turtlebot3_autorace_detect
Package Summary
AutoRace ROS packages for feature detection with TurtleBot3 Auto
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Pyo <pyo AT robotis DOT com>, Gilbert <kkjong AT robotis DOT com>
- Author: Gilbert <kkjong AT robotis DOT com>, Leon Jung
- License: Apache 2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: melodic-devel)
turtlebot3_autorace_2020: turtlebot3_autorace_camera | turtlebot3_autorace_core | turtlebot3_autorace_detect | turtlebot3_autorace_driving | turtlebot3_autorace_msgs
Package Summary
AutoRace ROS packages for feature detection with TurtleBot3 Auto
- Maintainer status: developed
- Maintainer: Ashe Kim <ashekim AT robotis DOT com>, Will Son <willson AT robotis DOT com>
- Author: Ashe Kim <ashekim AT robotis DOT com>, Ashe Kim
- License: Apache 2.0
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: master)
ROBOTIS e-Manual
Subscribed Topics
detect/image_input/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image input that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image inputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
Published Topics
detect/image_output/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Yellow line reliability which will be calculated in every sequences of line detection. That will be done under counting each of color points.
- White line reliability which will be calculated in every sequences of line detection. That will be done under counting each of color points.
Dynamic Reconfigure
DetectLaneParams.cfg :
#------------------ parameter for HSL detection of withe lane ------------------# gen.add("hue_white_l", int_t, 0, "hue_white_l", 0, 0, 179) gen.add("hue_white_h", int_t, 0, "hue_white_h", 179, 0, 179) gen.add("saturation_white_l", int_t, 0, "saturation_white_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("saturation_white_h", int_t, 0, "saturation_white_h", 255, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_white_l", int_t, 0, "lightness_white_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_white_h", int_t, 0, "lightness_white_h", 255, 0, 255) ------------------ parameter for HSL detection of yellow lane -----------------# gen.add("hue_yellow_l", int_t, 0, "hue_yellow_l", 0, 0, 179) gen.add("hue_yellow_h", int_t, 0, "hue_yellow_h", 179, 0, 179) gen.add("saturation_yellow_l", int_t, 0, "saturation_yellow_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("saturation_yellow_h", int_t, 0, "saturation_yellow_h", 255, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_yellow_l", int_t, 0, "lightness_yellow_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_yellow_h", int_t, 0, "lightness_yellow_h", 255, 0, 255)
Subscribed Topics
detect/image_input/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image input that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image input that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Level crossing node trigger
- Finished level crossing node trigger
Published Topics
detect/image_output/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image output that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image output that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image output that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image output that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Progress of level crossing on internal side of this node
- Level crossing control node trigger
- Maximum x axis linear speed
Dynamic Reconfigure
DetectLevelParams.cfg :
#------------------ parameter for HSL detection of red color ------------------# gen.add("hue_red_l", int_t, 0, "hue_red_l", 0, 0, 179) gen.add("hue_red_h", int_t, 0, "hue_red_h", 179, 0, 179) gen.add("saturation_red_l", int_t, 0, "saturation_red_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("saturation_red_h", int_t, 0, "saturation_red_h", 255, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_red_l", int_t, 0, "lightness_red_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_red_h", int_t, 0, "lightness_red_h", 255, 0, 255)
Subscribed Topics
detect/parking_lot_order (std_msgs/UInt8)- Parking node trigger
- Topic that confirms the scan values of the LiDAR mounted on the Turtlebot3
- Finished parking node trigger
- Compressed image inputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image inputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
Published Topics
detect/image_output/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Progress of parkig on internal side of this node
- Started parking node trigger
- Maximum x axis linear speed
Subscribed Topics
detect/image_input/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image inputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image inputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
Published Topics
detect/image_output/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Decision traffic sign
Subscribed Topics
detect/image_input/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image inputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image inputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image input topics might be modified into designated names from the launch fil
- Finished traffic light node trigger
Published Topics
detect/image_output/compressed (sensor_msgs/CompressedImage)- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Compressed image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- Image outputs that can vary based on every processes in the nodes. Every image output topics might be modified into designated names from the launch file
- progress of traffic light
- Started traffic light node trigger
- Maximum x axis linear speed
Dynamic Reconfigure
DetectLevelParams.cfg :
#------------- parameter for HSL detection of traffic red light ---------------# gen.add("hue_red_l", int_t, 0, "hue_red_l", 0, 0, 179) gen.add("hue_red_h", int_t, 0, "hue_red_h", 179, 0, 179) gen.add("saturation_red_l", int_t, 0, "saturation_red_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("saturation_red_h", int_t, 0, "saturation_red_h", 255, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_red_l", int_t, 0, "lightness_red_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_red_h", int_t, 0, "lightness_red_h", 255, 0, 255) #------------ parameter for HSL detection of traffic yellow light -------------# gen.add("hue_yellow_l", int_t, 0, "hue_yellow_l", 0, 0, 179) gen.add("hue_yellow_h", int_t, 0, "hue_yellow_h", 179, 0, 179) gen.add("saturation_yellow_l", int_t, 0, "saturation_yellow_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("saturation_yellow_h", int_t, 0, "saturation_yellow_h", 255, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_yellow_l", int_t, 0, "lightness_yellow_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_yellow_h", int_t, 0, "lightness_yellow_h", 255, 0, 255) #------------ parameter for HSL detection of traffic green light --------------# gen.add("hue_green_l", int_t, 0, "hue_green_l", 0, 0, 179) gen.add("hue_green_h", int_t, 0, "hue_green_h", 179, 0, 179) gen.add("saturation_green_l", int_t, 0, "saturation_green_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("saturation_green_h", int_t, 0, "saturation_green_h", 255, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_green_l", int_t, 0, "lightness_green_l", 0, 0, 255) gen.add("lightness_green_h", int_t, 0, "lightness_green_h", 255, 0, 255)
Subscribed Topics
detect/tunnel_order (std_msgs/UInt8)- Tunnel node trigger
- Return the move action result
- Contains the Turtlebot3’s odometry information based on the encoder and IMU
Published Topics
detect/tunnel_stamped (std_msgs/UInt8)- Progress of tunnel
- Topic that goal position of tunnel exit
- Control the translational and rotational speed of the robot unit in m/s, rad/s
- Maximum x axis linear speed