Only released in EOL distros:  


To interact with controllers form another ROS node, the controller manager provides five service calls:


Published Topics

task_manger/available_tasks (continuous_ops_msgs/TaskList)
  • The list of tasks that can be scheduled
task_manger/scheduled_tasks (continuous_ops_msgs/TaskList)
  • The list of tasks that are already scheduled


task_manager/add_task (continuous_ops_msgs/AddTask)
  • Add a new task to the task queue by providing the task_id
task_manager/remove_task (continuous_ops_msgs/ChangeTask)
  • Remove a task from the task queue by providing the run_id
task_manager/start_task (continuous_ops_msgs/ChangeTask)
  • Start a task from the task queue by providing the run_id
task_manager/stop_task (continuous_ops_msgs/ChangeTask)
  • Stop a task from the task queue by providing the run_id
task_manager/get_available_tasks (continuous_ops_msgs/GetTaskList)
  • Get the list of tasks that can be scheduled
task_manager/get_scheduled_tasks (continuous_ops_msgs/ReorderTaskList)
  • Change the order of the scheduled task list
task_manager/reorder_task (continuous_ops_msgs/ChangeTask)
  • Stop a task from the task queue by providing the run_id

Wiki: continuous_ops_task_manager (last edited 2011-09-06 20:50:46 by AustinHendrix)