Show EOL distros: 

imu_tools: imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices

imu_tools: imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices

imu_tools: imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Martin Günther <martin.guenther1980 AT gmail DOT com>, Ivan Dryanovski <ivan.dryanovski AT gmail DOT com>
  • Author:
  • License: BSD, GPL
  • Source: git (branch: hydro)
imu_tools: imu_complementary_filter | imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Martin Günther <martin.guenther1980 AT gmail DOT com>, Ivan Dryanovski <ivan.dryanovski AT gmail DOT com>
  • Author:
  • License: BSD, GPL
  • Source: git (branch: indigo)
imu_tools: imu_complementary_filter | imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Martin Günther <martin.guenther1980 AT gmail DOT com>, Ivan Dryanovski <ivan.dryanovski AT gmail DOT com>
  • Author:
  • License: BSD, GPL
  • Source: git (branch: jade)
imu_tools: imu_complementary_filter | imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices

imu_tools: imu_complementary_filter | imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices

  • Maintainer status: developed
  • Maintainer: Martin Günther <martin.guenther1980 AT gmail DOT com>, Ivan Dryanovski <ivan.dryanovski AT gmail DOT com>
  • Author:
  • License: BSD, GPL
  • Source: git (branch: lunar)
imu_tools: imu_complementary_filter | imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices

imu_tools: imu_complementary_filter | imu_filter_madgwick | rviz_imu_plugin

Package Summary

Various tools for IMU devices


This stack contains IMU-related filters and visualizers.


From binaries

sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-imu-tools

From source

Create a directory where you want the package downloaded (ex. ~/ros), and add it to $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.

Make sure you have git installed:

   1 sudo apt-get install git-core

Download the stack from our repository:

   1 git clone

Install any dependencies using rosdep.

   1 rosdep install imu_tools

Compile the stack:

   1 rosmake imu_tools

Bug Reports & Feature Requests

We appreciate the time and effort spent submitting bug reports and feature requests.

Use GitHub to report bugs or submit feature requests. [View active issues]

Wiki: imu_tools (last edited 2022-04-11 10:54:29 by MartinGuenther)