- There have two options install roch ROS packages, choose one of these for install.
Full installation
Debain installation
For Debain installation, you can type under command.
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-roch-bringup ros-kinetic-roch-navigation ros-kinetic-roch-teleop ros-kinetic-roch-follower ros-kinetic-roch-rapps ros-kinetic-roch-robot ros-kinetic-roch-simulator ros-kinetic-roch-viz
Source installation
For source installation, you can enter following command.
> sudo apt-get install python-rosdep python-wstool ros-kinetic-ros > sudo rosdep init > rosdep update
If you created catkin workspace can skip under command, otherwise type following command:
> mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src > cd ~/catkin_ws
Compile code:
> wstool init -j5 src > rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro kinetic -y > catkin_make
Optional installation
- Roch package contains applications of ROS packages, like roch_navigation, roch_follower and roch_teleop etc.
2. Installation with roch_robot
- Roch_robot package includes package lik drivers, roch_base, roch_ftdi, roch_bringup and roch_sensorpc etc.
3. Installation with roch_simulator
- Roch_simulator package has almost simulators, New simulator will be released in the future.
- Roch_viz is just for show roch in Rviz.