Page Summary
Indigo is the original and main ROS version that xbot tutorials was developed. This version includs all of the necessary packages to motivate xbot and support the higher level applications development. All of pre-indigo ROS version will not be added in the future, but the ROS version after indigo will be modified in the base of indigo and verified later when indigo series is totally finished.
Features - Why xbot is attractive for the robot beginners?
- xbot first start-up
There is a little things you have to do with it.
- PC installation
Installing the software for your monitoring workstation pc.
- Network configuration
How can I connect my xbot with my pc?
- Xbot Driver
How does the code drive xbot hardware?
- Building xbot urdf
How to build Xbot urdf
- xbot bringup
Connecting to xbot from PC.
- Take care of xbot
This tutorials explains how to charge and maintain your Xbot.
- Other Aiding Softwares
Some other adding software tools.
- SLAM Map Building with xbot
How to generate a map using gmapping && hector
- Autonomous Navigation of a Known Map with xbot
This tutorial describes how to use the xbot with a previously known map.
- interact with Xbot by Xbot_Head
This is an introduction to an android application -- Xbot_Head.
- Xbot Simulation
This tutorial introduce a simulation package for xbot which you can simulate your algorithm by you own robot using rviz
Youtu Face Recognition
- Youtu Face Recognnition
Youtu face recognition is used for recognizing registered users.
Baidu Speech AND Recognition
- Baidu Speech AND Recognition
This tutorial support user making a transform from Text To Speach(TTS) and from Speach to Text(Speech Recognition) by using Baidu's Speech API.