
This package contains configuration files for the move_base node meant to be run in an application that requires navigation in an odometric frame. This package also includes launch files that bring up rviz and nav_view with local navigation specific configurations.


  • rviz/rviz_move_base_local.launch: Starts rviz with a local navigation friendly setup.

  • nav_view/nav_view_move_base_local.launch: Starts nav_view with a local navigation friendly setup.

Building Blocks

  • move_base_local.xml: Holds a PR2 specific configuration of the move_base node designed for navigation without a map in an odometric frame.

Configuration Files

  • config/global_costmap_params.yaml: Holds parameters for the global costmap used in the move_base_local.xml configuration file. This is the costmap used by the navfn planner and, in this case, operates in an odometric frame.

  • config/base_local_planner_params.yaml: Holds parameters for the base_local_planner specific to local navigation on the PR2.

  • config/local_costmap_params.yaml: Holds parameters for the local costmap used in the move_base_local.xml configuration file. This is the costmap used by the base_local_planner planner, and operates in an odometric frame.

  • config/move_base_params.yaml: Holds local navigation specific parameters for the move_base node.

Wiki: pr2_navigation_local (last edited 2010-03-02 07:41:44 by EitanMarderEppstein)