
This package provides a node that saves tf based trajectory data given a target and and source frame. The trajectory is saved internally as a nav_msgs/Path and can be obtained using a service or topic. Internally, a tf::Transformlistener listens to tf, performs the necessary transformations and pushes resulting poses to the saved trajectory. The update and publish rates can be modified by parameters as described below.



hector_trajectory_server is a node that saves trajectory data and makes it available using the ROS API described below.

Subscribed Topics

syscommand (std_msgs/String)
  • System command. If the string equals "reset" the saved trajectory is cleared.

Published Topics

trajectory (nav_msgs/Path)
  • Get the traveled trajectory from this latched topic.


trajectory (hector_nav_msgs/GetRobotTrajectory)
  • Call this service to get the traveled trajectory.


~target_frame_name (string, default: "map")
  • The name of the tf target frame
~source_frame_name (string, default: "base_link")
  • The name of the tf source frame
~trajectory_update_rate (double, default: 4.0)
  • The update rate [hz] for the saved trajectory
~trajectory_publish_rate (double, default: 0.25)
  • The publish rate [hz] for the trajectory published on the "trajectory" topic.

Wiki: hector_trajectory_server (last edited 2012-03-06 18:36:18 by StefanKohlbrecher)