This page is for planning for Electric Emys.
Integration notes
- pr2_doors pulled due to eigen3 issues
- wg_robots_gazebo pulled due to pr2_doors dep
Updates for core system
- rosbuild2 prototype
- source rosdeps (required for rosbuild2, easier multi-platform support)
- test cases (openni drivers and
unary stacks
- Test cases stage(wrapper example)
- Remove ros::Message inheritance
- New toolchain for pushing non-ROS debian packages into ROS repository
- (?) distro-specific indexing (partial support, e.g. roslocate)
Other updates
new simmechanics_to_urdf package
- improved URDF/COLLADA integration
- package structure redesign for clean dependencies
- use rosdeps for assimp, tinyxml
split off robot_model_visualization and robot_model_tutorials
openni_kinect: rewritten driver
- OpenCV 2.3
- OpenCV moved to be a rosdep system install
- Move to full eigen3
- Eigen gets installed as rosdep
- Separate eigen stack for backwards compatibility of include flags
orocos_kinematics_dynamics: Separate stack for KDL related packages
bullet: Separate stack. Attempt to normalize on standard Bullet based on patches that Bullet did/did not accept upstream.
get optimizations from tf2 into tf. e.g. 100x speedup for canTransform method.
stage: unary stack
image_pipeline: New nodelets for depth-RGB registration, emulating ROI/binning, and working with depth images, to be migrated from openni_camera_unstable. Support 16-bit encodings and YUV.
joy: Add header to joy msg, joy now part of sensor_msgs
image_common: substitution variables in camera_info_manager URLs.
navigation: Much improved support for dynamic reconfigure in the navigation stack.
common: breaking apart stack to minimize downstream dependencies:
nodelet_core: stack
bond_core: stack
pluginlib: stack
tinyxml: rosdep
yaml_cpp: rosdep
common_rosdeps: new stack that contains rosdep.yaml specifications for all low-level stacks.
Documentation reviews
1.0 Stacks
New stacks
audio_common - sound_drivers(sound_play) will be moved here.
Stacks requiring update
- ROS tutorials (vet for old syntax)
- common
- tf (check tutorials)
- smach (tutorials incomplete)
- pr2_controllers
- mechanism_controllers
- pr2_simulator (tutorial clean up)
- cv_bridge (tutorial clean up)
visualization (interactive markers)
review open questions about tutorials:
- all released stacks should look at their open questions on
Potential additions
- update stack/package header to include visual distinction between a released and unreleased stack
- dynamic_reconfigure: support for groups
debug flag stripping <<Ticket(ros 3365)>>
- automation for add your repository to the ROS ecosystem
- Gazebo 1.0
simulator_gazebo: Modify ROS to match new Gazebo 1.0 API. This will entail changes to urdf2gazebo, gazebo_plugins, gazebo_msgs, gazebo_worlds
pr2_simulator: Modify pr2_gazebo, pr2_gazebo_plugins, pr2_examples_gazebo to match new Gazebo 1.0 API.