Sensors supported by ROS

There are several robotics sensors that are supported by official ROS packages and many more supported by the ROS community. While not comprehensive, the featured sensors are documented and should have stable interfaces.


Portal pages help you install and use ROS software with specific types of sensors. Each portal page also has information about tutorials and documentation of common interfaces.

2D range finders

3D Sensors

Pose Estimation (GPS + IMU)


Sensor Interfaces

Complete Listing

1D range finders

2D range finders

3D Sensors (range finders & RGB-D cameras)

Audio / Speech Recognition

Cameras / Optical Sensors


Force/Torque/Touch Sensors

Motion Capture

Pose Estimation (GPS/IMU)

Power Supply


Sensor and IO Interfaces


Wiki: Sensors (last edited 2023-10-31 14:10:39 by Andrey Vukolov)